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Forum Posts

Raver Dave
Jan 21, 2021
In Introduce Yourself
Howdy, Here in the hope of finding some resources and knowledge.
Raver Dave
Jan 21, 2021
In EV Projects & Builds
Hi all, So i've been thinking of converting my Daihatsu sirion rally 4 to something even more fun, looked at doing a starlet turbo swap as the engine is the same for both cars, but that would lose the rarity value of the Sirion (about 15 left). It weighs in at 850Kgs, has 110bhp and 4wd through a viscous coupling(need to weld or delete that). Current being restored in my garage, long term project, so i was looking at what i could do. My initial idea was to get a salvage nissan leaf and rob all the lecky bits from it, get a mounting plate made and mount the motor to the existing gearbox. Won't be an overnight change as with everything takes time and cost will slow it down. Looking at the leaf specs i think it should have roughly the same power with a decent torque uplift. This seemed to be the only UK based info source so i thought i'd see if anyone reads this and has any words of wisdom. Stay safe and thanks for any help.

Raver Dave

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